Hovering on the axis of construction and destruction, Fleckner employs industrial processes to produce artworks that carry a powerful, confronting narrative.

His multi-layered work speaks of the membrane that separates domination from vulnerability, and the cultural forces that determine scripts, both personal and social. Each of these strands of artistic enquiry are embedded in the process of creation, where thousands of wafer-thin layers of printed paper are collaged together to form the image.

Fleckner's work forces the viewer to question who we place on our altars of adulation and to evaluate what we may blindly revere. With incredible visual economy, the gashes in Fleckner's assemblages call us to witness the veil that distinguishes the facade from the humanity beneath. The finished pieces mirror a society that builds people up to later destroy them. There is an exquisite symmetry with life in the origin journey of each artwork, having been battered over time, yet emerging with a final beauty.